Monday, October 18, 2010

Forty is Fine

40 is an achievement
40 shuts the door on the insecurities of youth
I wouldn't be 21 again for a million trillion dollars
Or even 29
40 is fine

I've learned from my mistakes
Watch me prove it
I know what I want
Watch me do it

I have great friends, the right friends
to see me through it

My parents are my friends, not a mystery
I love them more now, knowing what they did for me.

And the future is growing so fast, it seems
Every week he needs new jeans

Pretty soon he'll want the car
I'll say, "Drive me to my book signing, son. It's not far."

40 is a release, a shout!
"Hey world, Look out!"

Christine Hardy, 2010


  1. Welcome to the fabulous 40s! I just celebrated my "life, the universe and everything" year (that's a Douglas Addams reference, if you're wondering).

    We do truly come into our own in this decade of life--it's surprisingly empowering. Enjoy this milestone moment with great relish!

  2. Happy birthday.

    That was a beautiful poem. I especially liked:

    I've learned from my mistakes
    Watch me prove it
    I know what I want
    Watch me do it

    Anyway, I hope I've learned . .


  3. Happy belated, good lady! :)

  4. I missed this by a week! Sorry! Happy bday.

    I'm not far behind you... I keep thinking I learned from my mistakes. I guess I can hope, eh.

    - Eric

  5. Happy birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day.

  6. Happy belated birthday! (love your poem) Happy 40th! :)

    I turned 40 in April. I'm not quite as thrilled with 40 as you and Laurel seem to be. But I don't hate it as much as I thought I would.

    Here's to the next 40!


I apologize for the word verification. I hate it, but the spammers made me do it.