Monday, November 8, 2010

What Makes You Feel Good?

I'm taking a break from writing-themed posts this week, as NaNoWriMo is consuming the blogosphere. I haven't time for NaNo this year.  I actually haven't had time for NaNo any years. Anyway, I was editing some recent photos in my camera and just had to share some of the things that make life worthwhile for me.
Like sunrises

And pom-pom covered pumpkins

Cute little puppy faces
Finding Darth Vader and Cad Bane in my front yard

A glass necklace, brought all the way from Italy by someone who loves me

The last fall bouquet

Good friends

Beautiful places

And the occasional miniature tree frog.
At the end of the day, when you can't think or type or do a single thing more, what makes YOU feel good?


  1. Hugs from my growing boys. Smiles from anyone.

    A blustery and cold day: I love going out getting numb with cold and then coming in to hot chocolate and curling up with a blanket and a book.

    I love the pics.

  2. I loved the photographs in your post - lots of things to love,
    Being part of a large family, lucky with the support of friends and a keen cook whose kitchen shelf groans under a weight of coojery books I'd have to list the following as favourite things: family, friends, funder,
    (I didn't like to break the alliterative chain)and food.

  3. I love picture posts. I love your pumpkin. And the dog and the beautiful places and the beautiful necklace. You get my drift. Thanks for sharing Christine.

  4. Well, this has most certainly done it for me.



I apologize for the word verification. I hate it, but the spammers made me do it.