Saturday, March 31, 2012

A is for Apple

Welcome to the first post of my A to Z Blogfest series on the fictional world of my novel, The Golden Gryphon. For the next month, each post will start with a letter of the alphabet.

 "A is for apple of course
But this kind of Apple's a horse
With her mistress she traveled
Til their plan was unraveled
And nightstalkers drove them off course"


Poor Apple, the gray saddle-pony of my heroine Marenya, lady's maid to the future queen of Belhanor. This apple-loving mare is used to an easy life. Neither of them is prepared for the dangers ahead.

But she and Marenya are a team, just like the other characters and their mounts. When a large part of your life is spent on horseback, you learn to consider your horse the same as a person. In fact, Marenya accuses Faldur, the hero, of preferring horses to people.

He doesn't dispute it.


  1. The eager Beaver! :D Love your post, Christine.

  2. What a beautiful horse! Very cute little poem about the horse and how it relates to your writing!


  3. A great idea for an A to Z theme. Good luck with it!

    M.J. Fifield
    My Pet Blog

  4. Nice idea for a theme, the world you've created. Have fun with it.

  5. I am away from my laptop today, so I'm hoping this post via phone will work.

    My husband and I took a trip to Germany in 2001 that inspired much of my fanrasy writing. We saw lots and lots of castles, cottages and cobbled villages. I fell in love with the Alps, as well as German folk art. Everything is painted, carved, decorated or molded. They had intricate butter and gingerbread molds. I also collect dollhouse miniatures and was on the lookout for those. My dollhouse now boasts a German-style kitchen.

    The water flowing down from the mountains is actually turquoise-colored. I don't know why that it, but it was the inspiration for my turquoise-watered lake. That and Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Canada. I've never been there but I have a wall poster of it. I would sit in my office and dream about escaping there.

    So Belhanor was born. A place where everything is both functional and beautiful. I call it the "Scotch Canadian Alps" because it's got a little bit of all those places rolled up in it.

    (i can't post from my phone so I'm temporarily storing this for later.)


I apologize for the word verification. I hate it, but the spammers made me do it.