Thursday, June 10, 2010

In Which I Acquire Some Balls

(First I'll have to get them away from the beagle.)

Eric Trant had a post yesterday about how to remain unpublished.  I said that my bane was perfectionism: constantly second-guessing my work and starting over from the beginning.

In light of reading Aubrie's book - and others by braver writers than I am - it seems undeniable that I need to acquire some (ahem) balls about my writing.  I need to just commit myself to the first chapter, the plot, the characters, the voice - even though they may not be perfect.  Even though the book may not be publishable.  I need to FINISH it once and for all.

P.S. Friday morning: I got this great article from Guide to Literary Agents: If It Hurts, You're Doing Something Right.  So, maybe I shouldn't rush it after all.


  1. Funny, and thanks for the mention!

    I wrote my first novel with the sole intent of finishing. I didn't edit, proof, or do much else, even after I finished. It was the act of writing it that I wanted to get through.

    Now, re-reading it ten years later, it's not bad!

    Don't forget who your worst critic is... You are your own worst critic.

    - Eric

  2. You have just got to get over this perfectionism thing. Just write it down. Perfectionism is for rewrites and revisions. And nothing is ever perfect. We could spend 10 years on a single book and it would never be perfect. There is always something to change. Always. The book just has to be excellent, not perfect.

  3. Very true -- perfectionism could be the 8th deadly sin...

  4. Sounds like you've had an epiphany. The author of Bird by Bird said the same thing about perfectionism.

  5. I am revising, actually. I think I'm on version 4.5.

  6. P.S. This is part of my self-improvement plan as I turn 40.

  7. Finishing isn't my problem; its accepting that its as done as it could be.

    And Aubrey's book sound interesting. I'll have to see about buying it.

    Thanks for the encouragement.


  8. Thanks for mentioning me! I'm not sure it's the way to go, but at least I learn from the process. You should try sending your work out there!

  9. That sounds right to me. No pain no gain, right?

  10. haha! Awesome.
    I think we could all use some balls at some point

  11. P.S. There's an award for you at my blog!


I apologize for the word verification. I hate it, but the spammers made me do it.