Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rainy Day Blogfest Tomorrow

Hello, everyone!  Don't forget that the Rainy Day Blogfest is tomorrow.  That seems appropriate, as the weather has turned cool and rainy this week.  It's not too late to sign up.

Also, Friday is the last day to enter my 100 Followers Contest.  Wow, I can't believe it... already we have 103 people.  That is amazing! It is thanks to all of you for joining and spreading the word.  I'm blown away.

Thank you!!!


  1. I look forward to seeing everyone's entries!!! Unfortunately this week is my big week of interviews (which I am happy about) so I won't be able to particpate! Doesn't mean I can't enjoy yours!!!

  2. Perfect timing for the Rainy Day blogfest, since it's been raining here since Sunday and it's supposed to continue until tomorrow.

    Congratulations on being up to 103 followers!

  3. Aak! This came sneaking up on me. I'm glad of the reminder. We're having a heatwave, so I'll be happy to dream of rain. :)

  4. I was so excited about this one that knowing I'd be feeling bad this week I set mine up to post last week! I wrote something short just for this blogfest, I hope you'll like it! Also have to say I think that's the prettiest blogfest button I've ever seen!

    Looking forward to reading everyone's rainy entries!


  5. D'oh I mean, I set mine up last week to auto-post on the correct date. Not that...well, you know.

    back to bed for me! LOL

  6. if only it didn't get so muggy here after it rains.

  7. No rain where I'm from :(

    Too hot. But I have the perfect scene. I think.

    Off to perfect it . .


  8. Just in time.. I had a rainy scene in my current WIP .. I am planning to post that in my blog.. (Last, but not the least - eh?)

    Thanks christine..for hosting such a wonderful blogfest..and to Wendy, whose post helped me find this blogfest. :)

    Do drop in at : http://judimello.blogspot.com/ :)


I apologize for the word verification. I hate it, but the spammers made me do it.